Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Just what is Tim doing here?

My favorite thing about Argentina is the wine. In NZ, my family was having a cheap wine contest, and I can now say I have won hands down. A decently drinkable-even good-bottle of wine can be had here for only $1.50, so, you probably all know I have drank plenty of wine here!

The other highlight of the trip to Argentina was Iguazu Falls, one of the largest and most beautiful waterfalls in the world, set amid rain forest full of beautiful butterflies, birds, and lizards.

Some sights in Buenos Aires

The first public cemetery in Buenos Aires, full of mausoleums, is now full, unless you can share a mausoleum with family members already here.

The Congress building

Political posters line riot fences in front of the Pink House, anogalous to the White House in the USA

Dog walkers walk large groups of dogs throughout Buenos Aires

Iguazu Falls

An Iguana at Iguazu.

Am amazing amount of water rushes over here

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